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Innovative product design is key to keeping your business moving forward and your brand growing. We understand that while invention creates new ideas, it is innovation that develops those ideas into tangible, marketable products.

How to innovate a product? Our team are experts in understanding your existing brand and your future goals, identifying product improvements and new opportunities, adding purpose and value that take your business and product to a greater level.

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Innovate Product Design With Bluefrog Design Consultancy

Design Innovation


Throughout the industrial design consultation process, we support you in identifying the potential pitfalls and the possibilities for the development of your product. An important stage of design thinking is ideation – the process of discovery to find the hidden gem.

The first step is to obtain a clear brief from you to understand the business challenge and objectives. Then we take time for research, brainstorming, exploring openly and without limit the potential for your idea. Our expertise is in bringing our creative thinking, knowledge and experience in industrial design together to consider an array of unique and potential solutions.

Finally, we create sketches, models and rigs as required to clearly demonstrate the creative product ideas to all stakeholders and how these add value and tangible results. We’ll also outline the pathway to implementation, with the best solution to exploit market opportunities.

Technology Research

As product design consultants, we’re always keen to investigate futuristic design and the latest developments across the range of technologies. We believe that design is instrumental in finding pathways to address challenges, improve society and make life easier and better for humanity.

Our involvement with ground-breaking research, in both the physical and digital worlds, gives us the advantage of understanding the potential in innovative technologies and applying that knowledge to solve problems. By exploring these possibilities, we benefit from new technology, identifying solutions that change the way products are designed, manufactured and used.

This is why we work collaboratively with businesses, universities and research organisations. Adding to our knowledge and applying it commercially to your application to develop innovative new products. We have worked as a partner on many Innovate UK and Medical Research Council projects and can assist with the bid process for new technology-led projects.

Technology Development

Technology is driving change in every aspect of society. Our innovation service supports next-generation product development through the stages of the TRL model, both in the initial exploration and in supporting businesses to move from proof of concept to market.

We assess the potential of your project in detail, put theory into practice and determine how best to apply technology to your products. From observing basic principles and understanding the science through to experimental and technology demonstrators, our goal is to find ways to utilise and commercialise the output of the development to support you in meeting your business objectives.

Intellectual Property

Managing your intellectual property strategy correctly is as important as an effective product design process. It’s crucial that any patents are obtained at the right stage and time in the development cycle of your idea.

As part of the design process, we research existing intellectual property (IP), to identify possibilities, and to be sure your concepts does not infringe any existing IP. If this becomes an obstacle, we’ll explore ways your concept can progress, even looking at the possibility of acquiring existing IP.

Liaising with IPR specialists on Patents, Design registration and Trademarks, we can help you manage the IP process to the greatest commercial advantage.

View more of our Product Development Services

If you would like to hear more on how we can improve the quality of your products or help with your product development, please contact Bluefrog Design at [email protected]

FAQ’s on Innovative Product Design

What is innovative product design?

Innovative product design merges creativity with functionality, pushing boundaries to transform ideas into tangible, market-ready solutions. It’s not just aesthetics; it delves deeper, ensuring products resonate with users’ evolving needs and desires. Through a meticulous process, designers reimagine products, paving the way for breakthroughs that shape industries and elevate user experiences. It’s a balance of form and function, seamlessly converging to produce cutting-edge results.

How do you innovate a product?

Innovating a product entails a profound understanding of its core function, paired with a visionary approach. First, immerse in extensive market research, identifying gaps and user needs. Then, apply iterative design processes, constantly refining based on feedback. Collaborate across disciplines, harnessing diverse expertise. Employ state-of-the-art technology and materials, ensuring adaptability for future demands. The goal: a product that’s not only enhanced but truly transformative.

Why is innovative product design important?

Innovative product design is paramount as it bridges user needs with technological advancements. It differentiates products in competitive markets, ensuring relevance and longevity. By harmonising aesthetics with functionality, it elevates user experience, driving brand loyalty and market growth. Moreover, such design anticipates future challenges, ensuring products aren’t merely contemporary, but forward-thinking. Essentially, it’s the cornerstone of sustainable business success and user-centric evolution.

What is the difference in innovation in product and industrial design?

Innovation in product design focuses on enhancing user experience by refining a product’s features, aesthetics, and functionality. Conversely, industrial design emphasizes the holistic process of crafting products for mass production, considering ergonomics, manufacturing methods, and material efficiencies. While product design prioritizes user-centric solutions, industrial design merges these solutions with production feasibility, ensuring a harmonious blend of form and manufacturability.

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