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How Patenting and I.P. Play an Important Part in New Product Development?

The most common mistake people make when they have thought up what they consider to be a brilliant new idea which they don’t want anyone else to know about yet and which they believe could make them a lot of money is to file a patent application too early in the product development process.

The term ‘IP’ or intellectual property refers to unique, value-adding creations of the human intellect that result from human ingenuity, creativity and inventiveness and is applied to patents, trade secrets, utility models, registered trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, layout designs of integrated circuits, copyright and related rights, and new varieties of plants.

Having said that it is worth pointing out the golden thread that runs through all IP and binds it all together, which is novelty, newness, or uniqueness. In fact the three crucial success indicators for the granting of a patent are:

  • Novelty
  • Non-obviousness
  • Applicability to manufacture.

Basically we can’t patent an idea; the invention has to be the embodiment of an idea. Patent rules state that we can file for patent protection for novel functions which are not obvious to someone skilled in the art of that technology and which have applicability to manufacture.

The most common mistake people make when they have thought up what they consider to be a brilliant new idea which they don’t want anyone else to know about yet and which they believe could make them a lot of money is to file a patent application too early in the product development process, believing that’s the best timing and route to claim the monopoly on that idea before anyone else. It may be the best route but it is definitely the wrong timing.

It should be noted that once a patent application is filed it is set in stone and cannot be changed without changing the filing date. Many people have lost thousands of pounds through jumping the gun in this way, because no idea has ever hit the marketplace exactly as it was first conceived. How to patent an invention and how to patent a product is firstly to exercise restraint and adopt a business-proven strategy to minimise financial risks, whilst maximising commercial opportunity.

This means delay filing until the last moment before publicity when all professional design and development work has been concluded to ensure all novel elements of the invention are accounted for and the invention is ready for tooling, manufacture and sales.

To make an invention fit for market the industrial design process can take many months or years and often shows up flaws in the invention along the way, either engineering, financial or marketing which are sufficient to change design emphasis, change design direction or to terminate the project with minimal financial loss at the development stage.

To make an invention fit for market the design process can take many months or years and often shows up flaws in the invention along the way, either engineering, financial or marketing which are sufficient to change design emphasis, change design direction or to terminate the project with minimal financial loss at the development stage.

The term ‘IP’ or intellectual property refers to unique, value-adding creations of the human intellect that result from human ingenuity, creativity and inventiveness and is applied to patents, trade secrets, utility models, registered trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, layout designs of integrated circuits, copyright and related rights, and new varieties of plants.

Having said that it is worth pointing out the golden thread that runs through all IP and binds it all together, which is novelty, newness, or uniqueness. In fact the three crucial success indicators for the granting of a patent are:

  • Novelty
  • Non-obviousness
  • Applicability to manufacture.

Basically we can’t patent an idea; the invention has to be the embodiment of an idea. Patent rules state that we can file for patent protection for novel functions which are not obvious to someone skilled in the art of that technology and which have applicability to manufacture.

The most common mistake people make when they have thought up what they consider to be a brilliant new idea which they don’t want anyone else to know about yet and which they believe could make them a lot of money is to file a patent application too early in the product development process, believing that’s the best timing and route to claim the monopoly on that idea before anyone else. It may be the best route but it is definitely the wrong timing.

It should be noted that once a patent application is filed it is set in stone and cannot be changed without changing the filing date. Many people have lost thousands of pounds through jumping the gun in this way, because no idea has ever hit the marketplace exactly as it was first conceived. How to patent an invention and how to patent a product is firstly to exercise restraint and adopt a business-proven strategy to minimise financial risks, whilst maximising commercial opportunity.

This means delay filing until the last moment before publicity when all professional design and development work has been concluded to ensure all novel elements of the invention are accounted for and the invention is ready for tooling, manufacture and sales.

To make an invention fit for market the design process can take many months or years and often shows up flaws in the invention along the way, either engineering, financial or marketing which are sufficient to change design emphasis, change design direction or to terminate the project with minimal financial loss at the development stage.

Bluefrog Design are here to give you that all-important guiding hand through the patent and intellectual property process. From your initial idea through to your launch to the marketplace, you can rely on us to help you with our patent attorneys to file the right details at the right time.

These days software is involved with many novel products and many inventors and businesses are keen to protect software. It is worth pointing out that in the UK applying for a patent for software without any element of associated hardware will be rejected by the patent examiner. This is because pure software is not a product.

It will have a function but that function must be shown to have an output into a novel product. Because software is continually being upgraded it is pointless setting a particular series of algorithms in stone for 20 years in a patent. In all probability, a particular piece of software will have been superseded in a few months and be worthless to anyone wanting to copy it. The essence worth protecting is the function and /or processes of the surrounding hardware.

Filing a patent is like drawing a line in the sand – come no closer – it’s a legal process, straight after filing the clock starts ticking. You have 12 months to decide in which other countries to file, or stay in the UK, or abandon. 18 months after filing, every patent application is published, which means the whole world will be able to see your invention in detail and understand exactly how it works, usually before it is granted.

Not many inventors realise this. In terms of product development timescales, 12 months for an invention to get to market from the idea stage is considered very quick.

But there must be a way of protecting your idea because it must be divulged to professionals in order to get it moving. Thankfully there is. The first piece in the jigsaw puzzle of new product development is the NDA, or Non-Disclosure Agreement. This is a legal document which, when signed binds the receiving party from disclosing your invention for a period of time, taking advantage of you by stealing it and also keeps the invention out of the public domain for potential patent purposes.

This is crucial because fledgeling ideas are often still-born due to many factors, not least of which is lack of novelty in the marketplace, or impracticality, or just being too expensive, or not a sufficiently inventive step.

As far as possible we need to determine novelty through patent and internet prior art searches. Patent searching is a skilled process involving studying databases and keywords which are taken from the title of the invention to narrow down search fields.

Freedom To Operate (FTO) prior art searching has three benefits:

Firstly – assesses whether you are going to tread on anyone’s toes by manufacturing your invention and thus infringing a live patent, Secondly – gives you the knowledge of whether what you are planning to develop has been done before. If so forget about a patent.

Thirdly – gives you a measure of confidence knowing that you could actually apply for a patent because what you are developing is novel and not obvious to someone skilled in the art of that technology. If granted you then have the right to exclude all others from commercially benefitting from it.

Summing up the benefits of a granted patent:

  • Gives legal rights to stop others from using your invention.
  • Its existence may be enough to deter competitors
  • Buys time (20 years) in which an inventor can develop a market to the product or process
  • Attractive to investors as it limits competition
  • Becomes a business asset with a value on the balance sheet
  • Can be licensed or sold
  • Qualifies for the owner a reduction in corporation tax through the Patent Box.

If you are clear to manufacture your invention but not apply for a patent you can always check out the design registration route to protect the appearance and a registered trademark to protect the brand name.

Unlike patents, a design registration may be applied up to six months after a three-dimensional article has been published in any media or launched into the market. Just like patents the article or product must be novel, but in external appearance only.

Protection does not cover the function or any internal workings or parts which are unable to be seen from the outside. Because of its considerable cost-effectiveness design registrations are a very popular route particularly for products these days which have a short lifespan, before upgrade. Also design registrations are valid initially for a period of five years. They can be renewed however every five years up to a maximum of 25 years.

Where a product is going to evolve every year or so it is probably not going to be cost-effective to apply for either of the two IPs explained above. Nevertheless, patents and design registrations are used as defence strategies and kept live as barriers to entry against competitors while they move on with new ideas.

For the SME or inventor this strategy is not a financial option, therefore a registered trademark is the best way to protect the reputation of the product brand as it grows and the design changes in the market place as it evolves over the years. Registered trademarks can be maintained every 10 years and last indefinitely.

As a product design consultancy we are here to give you that all-important guiding hand through the patent and intellectual property process. From your initial idea through to your launch to the marketplace, you can rely on us to help you with our patent attorneys to file the right details at the right time.

If you’d like to know more about Bluefrog Design and how we could help protect your ideas and projects please click here or call us on 0116 2530612.

Can you patent an idea?

You cannot patent an idea alone. Patents are granted for specific, tangible inventions or processes. For an idea to be patentable, it must be fully fleshed out, novel, non-obvious, and useful. In essence, it’s not the idea itself but the concrete implementation or method of achieving it that can be patented. Drafting a patent requires detailed descriptions, drawings, and claims that specify the unique aspects of the invention. Simply having an idea, without a clear and detailed plan for its realisation, does not qualify for patent protection. It’s crucial to transform an idea into a concrete invention before seeking a patent.

What is intellectual property in product development?

Intellectual property (IP) in product development refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, and images used in commerce. In the context of product development, IP ensures that inventors, creators, or businesses can protect their novel solutions or designs from unauthorised use. Common types of IP protection include patents for inventions, copyrights for creative works, trademarks for branding, and trade secrets for confidential information. Securing IP rights incentivises innovative product design by granting exclusive rights, fostering competitive advantage, and potentially generating revenue through licensing, ensuring creators benefit from their inventions or designs.

What is the best way to patent a new product?

The best way to patent a new product involves several steps. Firstly, conduct a thorough patent search to ensure your invention is novel and not already patented. Next, create detailed drawings and descriptions of your invention, highlighting its unique features. Then, decide whether you need a provisional or non-provisional patent. A provisional patent offers protection for one year, allowing you to refine the invention. For longer protection, file a non-provisional patent application. Engage a patent attorney or agent to guide you through the application process, ensuring all requirements are met. Once filed, routinely monitor the patent’s status until it’s granted.

What are the benefits of a granted patent?

A granted patent provides its holder with exclusive rights to the patented invention, usually for 20 years from the filing date. This exclusivity allows the patentee to prevent others from making, selling, or using the invention without permission. As a result, inventors can secure a competitive edge in the market, potentially leading to higher profits. Patents can also be licensed, sold, or used as assets to attract investments, adding financial value to a business. Additionally, they can foster innovation, as inventors are more likely to invest time and resources into R&D when they know their inventions can be protected.

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FAQ’s on I.P in Product Development

What is the importance of patents in new product development?

Patents play a crucial role in new product development by providing inventors exclusive rights to their innovations. This exclusivity incentivizes research and development, as creators can profit from their inventions without fear of imitation. Patents also attract investments, as they signal a product’s uniqueness and potential market value. Moreover, they facilitate licensing opportunities and strategic partnerships. Overall, patents safeguard innovations, promote competitive advantage, and drive technological advancement in industries.

How can intellectual property protect my innovative product?

Intellectual property (IP) safeguards your innovative product through legal mechanisms. Patents grant exclusive rights to inventions, deterring competitors from copying. Trademarks protect brand identity, ensuring consumers recognize and trust your product. Copyrights cover original artistic or literary works associated with the product, such as manuals or advertisements. Trade secrets shield confidential business processes or formulas. Collectively, IP ensures you have the sole right to produce, market, and profit from your innovation, maintaining a competitive edge and deterring infringement.

What is the difference between a patent and a trademark in product development?

In product development, a patent protects an invention or a novel method for a set period, granting the patent holder exclusive rights to make, use, or sell the invention. It safeguards technological advancements or unique functionalities. A trademark, on the other hand, protects symbols, names, and slogans used to identify and distinguish goods or services. It ensures brand recognition, preventing others from using a confusingly similar mark. While patents protect innovation, trademarks protect brand identity.

How long does a patent last in the UK?

In the UK, a standard patent lasts for 20 years from the date of filing, provided annual renewal fees are paid. However, the duration might vary for specific types of patents. For instance, supplementary protection certificates can extend the life of certain pharmaceutical or plant protection product patents by up to five years. It’s essential to consult the UK Intellectual Property Office or a patent attorney for detailed and case-specific information.

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